Cumberland County 4-H Puppy Raisers
Puppy Raiser:
Puppy Breed:
Puppy's Name:
Joan (Club Leader) & Blake
Female Yellow Lab
"Quella" (21st puppy)
Female Yellow Lab
"Archie" (5th puppy)
Waiting for 2nd puppy
(1 puppy raised)
Presently without a puppy
(4 puppies raised in family)
Presently without a puppy
(10 puppies raised)
Verna & Ralph
Presently without a puppy
(8 puppies raised)
Yvonne |
Male Black Lab |
"Atlas" (19th puppy)
Golden Retriever
"Issac" (19th puppy)
Pat & Bill
Female Black Lab |
"Quartz" (7th puppy)
Male Black Lab |
"Jules" (3rd puppy raised)
Waiting for 1st puppy |
December 14. 2021 Christmas Party
Due to the COVID19 pandemic, our club missed many normal activities and meetings in the past two years. The number of puppies was down to just two, so we were happy to have a Christmas Party again, even with masks and without refreshments.
Four new pups joined us for this event, two black Labs and two yellow Labs! Merry Christmas!
Two legitimate methods of foot control!
It's time for the Puppy Polyanna. All picked a number and Quartz goes first!
I think I prefer that one over there.
Archie decides to keep looking and sniffing.
Jules knows from experience that big is not always best.
It doesn't taste like a donut!
Atlas decides for red.
Issac is last
Puppy Raisers also got gifts!
The pups make "paw print" cards for their handlers.
Jules shows off his Santa hat
Now it's time for the traditional "Musical Squares" game.
Every year, puppy raisers collect donations for Cohanzick Zoo.
We all had a good time, but we are tired.
October 12, 2021, Puppy Raiser Meeting
Rehearsing Commands
Down to Business
September 14, 2021, First Puppy Raiser Meeting in 18 Months!
We are down but not out! We will come back stronger than ever!
4-H Awards Night, November 23, 2020
Two members of our club were presented with special honors:
Noah Grunder received the "Outstanding 4-H Member" Trophy
Ryan Quinn received the 4-H Patriotic Award
July 2020 Meet
June 2020 Club Meet; First since March due to COVID-19
March 2020 Club Meeting
We welcomed the newest member of our club, Pete
Pete was the center of attention!
Autumn is becoming an attractive young lady
Archer, don't stick out your tongue for the camera!
There, that is much better!
If you don't have a pup of your own, borrow one!
Since January of this year, The Seeing Eye Dog is the official State Dog of NJ!
February 2020 Club Meeting
Click here for the December 2019 Christmas Party
November 2019 Club Meeting
(Click on photo above to enlarge)
Puppy raisers from our club made a clever pumpkin display showing a growing puppy through graduation as a guide dog
for the 4H Pumpkin & Scarecrow Contest
October 2019 Club Meeting
(Click on photo above to enlarge)
Noah with newest puppy, Dexter
September 2019 Club Meeting
Archer is not interested in cell phones
April 2019 Club Meeting
Only three dogs this month!
The dogs practiced averting distractions such as paper or bread on the floor
March 2019 Club Meeting
February 2019 Club Meeting
January 2019 Club Meeting
Click for December 2018 Christmas Party
November 2018 Club Meeting
Click here for enlarged photo
Click here to see why we got this trophy
October 2018 Club Meeting
September 2018 Club Meeting
Freddie and Flash are our newest pups!
Pauline completed her "Town Walk" (finished training) September 13th.
August 2018 Club Meeting combined with Gloucester County
March 2018 Club Meeting
Our newest addition: a yellow Lab named Easton
The black Lab, Foggy, was visiting from the Ocean County Puppy Raiser Club
In China this is the "Year of the Dog" but we say it's every year!
Our new club display got first prize at the mall
February 2018 Club Meeting
We had two new puppies this month, both German Shepherds.
Here is Coleen with Wyatt
Hannah with Trigg
Beginning of a great Ifriendship!
Area Coordinator Christine Higham brought a unique doggie game!
The muffin trays were filled with tennisballs, and small treats were hidden under some
Even the little pups got in on the fun.
Wyatt's first outing at a church youth meeting (he looks great in that scarf!)
January 2018 Club Meeting
Click here for December 2017 Club Meeting
November 2017 Club Meeting
(Click on photo to enlarge)
October 2017 Club Meeting
(Click on photo to enlarge)
June 2017 Club Meeting
January 2017 Club Meeting
Club Leader, Joan Maloney is holding a $250 Mini Grant from the 4-H Advisory Committee
Ryan holds the newest puppy, Kyra
December 2016 Club Meeting - See: Christmas party
(Click on photo to enlarge)
November 2016 Club Meeting
(Click on photo to enlarge)
We presently have two pairs of sibling pups in our club. Here are Hannah and Huck
And here are Augusta and Archie with their handlers
Ironically, we also have two Hannahs in our club, but only one is a puppy!
October 2016 Club Meeting
We had only three dogs at the meeting
June 2016 Club Meeting
(Click on photo to enlarge)
We had three new pups, all German Shepherds! Hannah and Ashley have sibling pups, "Archie" and "Augusta"
The star of the evening was "Inky", an all-black German Shepherd. His raiser, Ross, is our newest club
member. What is more significant, is the fact that "Inky" is the 100th puppy in the club since Joan
Maloney became our leader in 2002!
"Inky" appeared to be very tired by the end of our meeting!
Our Club Leader, Joan Maloney with "Bea"
All the Shepherds together
January 2016 Club Meeting
A delegation from the Cumberland 4H Advisory Committee was present in our January meeting to present
our group with the annual "Mini-Grant" Award. Below is a club photo followed by a second which includes three
members of the Advisory Committee .
The committee members tried their skills at training guide dogs
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